Feline Folks
A 50l (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the humane treatment of feral cats in Greater Sun City Center.
President: Sheila Thurston
Vice-President: Terry Weigler
Treasurer: Jim McCauslin
Secretary: Kathy Clark
Directors: Deb Lowe
Beverly Murphy
Laurel Swift
Bonnie McCauslin
Linda Couture
Peg Smith
Nancy Kehler
Upcoming Events
Jewelry Party Fundraiser
Wednesday, February l2th, 2025
l0:00am - l:00pm
Kings Point Banquet Room
$5.00 entrance donation
donate a piece of jewelry at the door.
Shop hundreds of pieces of jewelry. Prices start at $3.00 each.
All proceeds go to the care and feeding of the community cats.
Check back here for future events and fundraisers!
Cats and Kittens

Already Adopted
We often have cats and kittens for adoption.
Please contact Feline Folks for more information!

Community Cats
Community Cats